Monday 27 August 2012

My project - Aquaponics setup at balcony

I was tasked in December 2011 to setup a system using fibreglass tank (4x2x2) and planter pots. Efforts are made to ensure the set-up look presentable in my client's home.

The drawings were done using Google Sketch.
It took me 3 months to complete the set-up as I can only work on this project during weekends.

Here's the list of components I used for this setup:
1x Fibreglass tank (4x2x2)
2x Planter pots

2x Hydrotons 50L
2x Auto-siphon
Pvc piping
1x Eheim water pump
1x Air pump

Tubings for water/air flow
Recycled wooden planks

I started with red spinach (Feb/Mar12).

Lady finger, on left planter box (Apr/May).

A mixture of greens, Gailan in the foreground, radish hiding in the middle, and little celery at the back (Jun/Jul).

Soon Hock (aka marbled goby) x2.

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