Thursday, 31 January 2013

Population White Paper - Is this Home? Really?

The Singapore Government has recently released a Population White Paper.

The Government wants the population to reach 6.9 million people in 2030 (in the next 17 years).
To achieve this, it will continue with the large influx of foreign labour to reach 2.5 million foreigners in 2030 (2012: 1.49 million). Permanent residents will reach approximately 600,000 in 2030 (2012: approximately 530,000).
The white paper mentioned that in 2030, the total population will make up of 55% "strong Singaporeans core". Mind you, the 55% includes approximately 450,000 new citizens let in by the Government during the 17 year period.
This may mean that an additional 1.5 million foreigners will be pumped into our homeland over the 17 year period!

The white paper states "We do not expect our TFR (total fertility rate) to improve to the replacement rate of 2.1 in the short term. Taking in younger immigrants will help us top up the smaller cohorts of younger Singaporeans, and balance the ageing of our citizen population."
Is the Government assuming that the low TFR (2011: 1.2) can never be fixed and thus proposes such short term solution?
If the Government cannot fix the low TRF in the short term (17 years), then should it start to think of a long term solution now?

I strongly believe that with proper work-life balance policies and stronger childcare support, Singaporean couples will be willing to have more than 2 kids and the low TFR can improve.

If the current government is unable to propose a long term solution to fix the low TFR problem, maybe it is time to let the other parties to give a try?

Long term solution will take many years to fix the problem, but at least over the 17 year period, we may see improvement in the TFR issue. The short term solution can probably survive us for 17 years, but will the Government propose another population white paper in 2030 to increase the population further to circumvent the low TFR problem?

YOU CAN HELP. It is important for every Singaporean to understand the proposals put up by the Government in this Population White Paper and really think about the consequences that every average Singaporean will face over the next 17 years.
The Ah Gong(s) and Ah Ma(s) (our important elderly) will likely read and hear about the population white paper from the newspapers and television. Help them to understand better. I have done up a short video clip using simple charts to illustrate the population increase over the next 17 years. Please help to download to your mobile phones and show it to your Ah Gong and Ah Ma or show it to any Singaporean who have heard of the Population White Paper but has no time to read the lengthy and complex report.

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Grodan Rockwool Cubes


I still have a few hundreds of Grodan rockwool cubes left (for seed germination). Please email me at datseasy if you are interested. I can ship to Singapore/West Malaysia.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

My Aquarium Tank has been set up

At last, my new aquarium has been set up! Well, it was up since mid 2011 but I am putting up this post to share how I designed and built the tank and sump, and how it is doing now.

It took me a while to settle down after moving to the new apartment. I have always wanted to get a bigger tank with proper cabinet. Most importantly, it has to please my wife's eyes and fit well with the home furnishings.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

De-commissioning the balcony setup

It is unfortunate that I have to de-commission this aquaponics setup after almost a year. My client has sold his condominium apartment and asked me to de-commission for storage. Nevertheless, it's a wonderful experience setting up this flood and drain system. The bell siphon works effectively and water change is kept to every fortnightly. This is in contrast to the weekly 50% water change for my monster fish tank at home (no plants in this system).

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

What is Aquaponics?

My interest in Aquaponics started when I was surfing the Internet to search for information on how to maintain a healthy planted aquarium. It was then that I learnt about the nutritional needs of plants and, interestingly, how an aquarium of "fishes with plants" requires less water change than a "fish only" aquarium.

My planted aquarium -
a simple setup without using CO2 tank;
3x1.5x1.5(feet) tank;
Tetras and water plants.

Monday, 27 August 2012

My project - Aquaponics setup at balcony

I was tasked in December 2011 to setup a system using fibreglass tank (4x2x2) and planter pots. Efforts are made to ensure the set-up look presentable in my client's home.